? Como subir tus Resources ? / How to u

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S P A N I S H:

1.- Hacemos click en El reucurso que queramos subir .- Ejemplo: i50.tinypic.com/2q81y6d.jpg
2.- De ahi Nos Vamos Un poco abajo de la pagina donde dice Found in these Groups:Not currently found in a Group Submit to a Group... Como aqui Ejemplo: i50.tinypic.com/2d2emn6.jpg
3.- y le damos click donde dice + Submit to a Group...
4.- Nos saldra una ventana asi : i50.tinypic.com/b66f0m.jpg
5.- En donde dice . Select a Group to Submit to: le damos en la opcion que dice + Select from one of your Groups asi: i49.tinypic.com/2ynpjz8.jpg
6. De ahi selecionamos el grupo en este caso :iconawesomeresources: asi: i48.tinypic.com/2dgmepx.jpg
7.- Ya que le hayas dado click en el grupo Te aparecera . Submit to the following folder: Y varias opciones , escoges la respectiva (action, brushes ...etc ) De acuerdo con lo que vayas a subir ejemp: i46.tinypic.com/ieqnwi.jpg
8.- Le das en submit & listo.

E N G L I S H :

1 .- We click on the reucurso we want to go .- Example: i50.tinypic.com/2q81y6d.jpg
2 .- From there we go a little down the page where it says Found in these Groups: Not currently found in a Group Submit to a Group ... As here Example: i50.tinypic.com/2d2emn6.jpg
3 .- and we click where it says + Submit to a Group ...
4 .- We will get a window like this: i50.tinypic.com/b66f0m.jpg
5 .- Where he says. Select a Group to Submit to: give you the option that says + Select from one of your Groups like this: i49.tinypic.com/2ynpjz8.jpg
6. From there selecting the group in this case
:iconawesomeresources: asi: i48.tinypic.com/2dgmepx.jpg
7 .- As you have given you click on the group appear. Submit to the following folder: And several options, choose the corresponding (action, brushes ... etc) according to what you're going to get ejemp: i46.tinypic.com/ieqnwi.jpg
8 .- You give to submit & ready.
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